Literature I Essays I Articles I Interviews I Speech
Excerpt from the book “Ausnahmezustand – Reisen in eine beunruhigte Welt” (“A state of emergency: travels in a troubled world”), published in 2013, translated by Venkatakrishnan Srinivasan: Ausnahmezustand
Excerpts from the book “Dein Name” (“Your name”), published in 2011, translated by Mitch Cohen: Dein Name
Two Excerpts “Though Shalt” (“Du sollst”), published 2005 Translated by Mitch Cohen and by Susan Bernofsky
Short excerpt from “Das Buch der von Neil Young Getöteten” (The Book of those killed by Neil Young) Killed by Neil Young
Four stories from the book “Vierzig Leben” (Forty Lives), published in 2003, translated by Forty Lives (49kB)