A review of “Everyone, Wherever You Are, Come One Stop Closer: Questions about God on World Literature Today
The Dust on All the Faces – the English translation of the Report on Madagascar in Plough
The Time Literary Supplement on Tomorrow is Here
Books in English translation: Polity Press; Seagull Books. Books are also translated into French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, Persian, Danish, Croatian, Bosnian, Dutch, Korean, Indonesian …
A review of “Wonder Beyond Belief: On Christianity” in The Spectator: A book to challenge and change you
A review of “Between Quran and Kafka” in Los Angeles Review of Books: Intercultural Influences: On German Literature and Islam
Interview with Navid Kermani and Martin Mosebach on Christianity, Islam, and art: “Of course religion is first and foremost a duty”. The interview was conducted by “Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin”.
The 2015 Peace Prize: Acceptance Speach. Translations into Arabic, Persian, Danish, French, Bosnian, Italian, Polish, Swedish, Dutch, Kroatian….
An English translation of the article in “Der Spiegel” from October 9th about Europe’s treatment of immigrants who almost all have the same destination: Germany. A Journey Along the Refugee Trail
A review of “God is Beautiful” in the Washington Book Review: Experiencing the Quran aesthetically